Creative Flow For Knitters

by Hannah Gilly

July 30, 2024

What is creative flow, you may ask?

For years, since we've been children really, we've been creative.
Everyone has creativity in them, but how do the ideas appear and how is it that the ideas come to fruition?

It's well known that creativity might be easier for some than others. But those who might be labelled as 'creative' or 'artistic' notice when it feels stuck. 

I went through that stickiness over the winter of 2023/24 and wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it. 

The answers came to me, funnily enough, with creative ideas that I didn't even realise was starting to show itself again.

And this video idea came to me while I was sat in the garden (as you can see from the video I'm still wearing my sunhat and my face is covered in suncream!) .

But how did that awareness of the idea, the motivation to come and film and the confidence to put it on YouTube even come about?
Do watch today's video, you'll find out the insider's view. and can replicate it for yourself!

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Another video you might like: Knitting Rhythms: where did mine go?


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