What to do if you fall out of love with your knitting yarn

by Hannah Gilly

November 16, 2021

Knitting yarn can be like Marmite!

You love it or hate it once you've started knitting with it. There are a few 'meh' yarns, so that's where the Vegimite comes in!

So what do you do if you feel the worst is happening?

It might be too scratchy, if like me you're not allergic to wool, but still have sensitive skin and the itchy wools are a no-no.

Perhaps it's too textured; are those bobbles and tweedy bits catching in your needles and making you miss stitches or puncture the yarn?

Maybe it's one of those cotton yarns that just seems to break apart at least once every few rows, or you keep finding knots and tears as you move further and further through the ball.

Well, obviously there are three options:

  1. Stop right there, give up, say 'no'

  2. Make a compromise, be creative with what you already have

  3. Keep going and finish that knit because you're so desperate for the final piece

  4. I'll look into all these options in today's video and help you make the decision and move on however you choose.

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As mentioned in the video this video might be an ideal next stop, to give you more ideas if your heart is set on continuing the knit until it's finished. Take care of your hands and fingers as you knit: 

There is a course in the Knit With Hannah Academy which will also help. 

The Intuitive Knitting course, has a full module on finishing knits. You'll find lots of tutorials and tips here to make each knit fly off your needles and into the hands of the recipient.


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