Knitting Basics: 3 Knitters Mindsets

by Hannah Gilly

October 8, 2019

Starting to knit obviously means picking up needles and yarn and starting to knit. But what about motivation, keeping going when other priorities seem to pop up in daily life? And how about finishing projects when it feels like there's so much more to knit? Beginning a new hobby like knitting, and continuing when you're already a knitter takes up space in your mind. So you need to organise it somehow! That's what 'mindsets' are for. Understanding these will help knitting feel easier and more joyful every time you pick up the needles. I've got three big mindset tips for you today, to blow these distractions away! To subscribe to the Knit With Hannah YouTube channel click here   And if you'd like support in these mindsets, bringing about daily habits and routine to your knitting, with learning and motivation, we can help! To join the Knit With Hannah membership, for community and regular 'knit and natters', courses and even a secret weekly podcast, take a look at the benefits here:  


knitting basics, knitting mindsets

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