When you finish a knitting project and have left-over yarn what do you do?
There are so many options including letting it languish in the hidden darkness of a blanket box, finding it two years later knotted and mixed up with dozens of other left-over ends of yarn. (yes I admit it, I have knitter's stash shame!)
So what to do if you'd like to keep and preserve the odds and ends for future projects...
I've a few answers for you here, please let me know in the comments how you store your yarn and return next week when I'll be finishing this tutorial with a Part Two.
Let’s Cast Off & Sew Up Together!There’s something so rewarding about that final stitch—the moment a project transforms from “in progress” to finished. But let’s be honest, sometimes we leave those last few stitches waiting far longer than we’d like!That’s why I’ve put together this week’s video—so we can finish our knits together. While I’m sewing
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The Moment Your Knitting Becomes a Garment!There’s something magical about joining shoulder seams—it’s the step where your knitting transforms from a collection of pieces into something wearable. In my latest video, I take you through this satisfying moment as I seam the shoulders of my jumper.If you’ve ever felt unsure about how to join seams
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