Have you ever felt that you're going 'round the houses,' a metaphorical walking 'round the block, when you're picking out patterns to knit?
Sometime I feel this can happen more when I'm not just knitting for myself but for other people too?
When you're knitting for Christmas, this can happen more often, as you want to get it right, yes?
Those gifts will have a lot of time and love poured into each stitch, and you want to be gifting something that makes an impact, that your sis-in-law will wear, not hide in the back of her wardrobe as she wonders how many years she can leave it before donating to the local charity shop!
I have five ideas for you today, for knitted gifts. All the suggestions I've got are pretty quick to knit, maybe they'll take you a weekend or a couple of evenings to prepare each gift.
I've also compiled a list of patterns, from the photos that you saw in the video, which will help you pick out some options faster. (sometimes fewer options, make the choice easier!)
Patterns shown...
Let’s Cast Off & Sew Up Together!There’s something so rewarding about that final stitch—the moment a project transforms from “in progress” to finished. But let’s be honest, sometimes we leave those last few stitches waiting far longer than we’d like!That’s why I’ve put together this week’s video—so we can finish our knits together. While I’m sewing
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The Moment Your Knitting Becomes a Garment!There’s something magical about joining shoulder seams—it’s the step where your knitting transforms from a collection of pieces into something wearable. In my latest video, I take you through this satisfying moment as I seam the shoulders of my jumper.If you’ve ever felt unsure about how to join seams
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