FREE Beginners Knitting Workshop reveals:

How To Find Confidence As
A Beginner Knitter
...Saturday 16th January 2021

See the free beginner knitters workshop, to learn the steps you can  put in place to become a confident and enthusiastic knitter for life.

No matter how much knitting experience, I promise you'll find it easy to shift your confidence level today.
I'm going to show you to make your knitting dreams a reality with:

  • The 1 simple exercise that can up your confidence as a creative knitter.

  • The 3 steps you can take to truly believe and implement starting, finishing and feeling proud of your knits.

  • And discover the two most important benefits of knitting, that hardly anyone ever mentions! They’ll affect your whole life, really!

Who is this knitting dame anyway?

Hi, I'm Hannah!

I've been knitting since I was 4-years-old. (yep, that's 4 decades!) I began knitting small items with my Mum's support and when I was exploring more techniques as a teen I began teaching myself from books (and trial and error!).

I've always loved the simpler techniques and believe that, even after 40 years as a knitter, the back-to-basics approach will serve me for a life-time.

Knitting has been part of my life for a very long time, there's no mistaking that it seeps in to benefit me in a multitude of ways, for which I will be forever thankful.

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