Figuring out what to knit next can be tough
But it can feel a lot more intense at this time of year. In-between Christmas and New Year you might be...
- knitting a cosy blanket,
- opening up a new knitting kit that you had for Christmas,
- or surfing the knitty websites trying to make a decision about what to spend your Christmas money on.
There's the pressure of 'New Year's Resolutions' being spoken of everywhere, should you, shouldn't you, will you, won't you, do they work, are they a complete joke?
Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet and say 'I'd like to make some plans'. Different personalities will make plans in different ways. I'm totally open to that. It's taken a long time of deciding which way I like to work and it also keeps changing depending on the phase of life or learning I'm in.
So over the next few days we're going to explore lots of options for choosing your next knits.
Basically... let's make some of those decisions easier. This is the kind of process I will go through multiple times in a year, so feel free to return whenever you need to.
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You'll find the next videos below, they'll become watchable on 29th and 30th December 2021.
These knitty notebooks, as mentioned in the video, will help this week and over the next year if you like to keep track of your knitting project by project.
If learning more knitting skills. is on the cards, take a browse through the Knit With Hannah Academy.
There's everything from circular knitting to cables, from learning to knit hats to designing your own patterns.
We're packing knitting kits already. Thanks to closing the cart on the 10th December, we've had a break and are ready to fill orders. If you've have had a kit in your wish list for a while or would like to find your next knit after watching these videos, we're ready and waiting!