Fancy a year with finished knits?Finished knits is what you get from setting out some intentions for your knitting. Call it New Year’s resolutions if you will, but I give it a different feeling.  No judging or strict ‘must’s here; I set a few things in place so I find knitting easier to pick up, easier to . . .

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Why I Set Knitting Intentions For the Year

You can add hygge to your daily knittingYes, really!When it comes to relaxing, the Danes have it set. And relaxing with knitting – that’s what we want.  Learning to find the resting feeling that is just part of hygge, is what we’re going to explore today.There are many routines you probably already have in place . . .

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Add Some Hygge To Your Knitting Routine

You receive so much from your knitting, dailyNot only that, knitting give so much daily, weekly and long-term.When knitting began it was generally a practical pursuit that created finished items.But it also brought people together, with a sense of community, along with each knitter knowing their contribution was valuable.We can feel that too, in the 21st Century, . . .

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New Academy Course: Winter Knitting Retreat

Choosing your knit can help massivelyThe right knit at the right time can be really helpful. The wrong knit when you need the right knit can be so demotivating. Been there, done that! Lots of different motivations come into play when we’re knitting in December. I’ll look at the different life situations that we face at this time . . .

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What To Knit In December

Knitting can be such a calming influenceDecember can be a busy time, and full of hyper energy.  Knitting can be a great way to balance that energy and give yourself some relaxation in amongst the bustle. Lets talk today about three ways you can keep knitting top of mind and relevant to your day through the festive . . .

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Keep Knitting In Winter, when life is busy