5 Reasons To Declutter Your Yarn

by Hannah Gilly

March 29, 2022

When did you last declutter your yarn stash?

  • Was it in January?
  • Spring last year?
  • Three years ago?
  • Never?

Let's get one thing out of the way first, there is no right or wrong. I've not decluttered my private yarn stash for a year for a number of reasons.

I know what's in there. I can picture the fibres, brands and colours very easily without looking.

One thing that does need doing is a refresh, an airing, which I did very quickly in the Autumn. It's good to double-check the yarn so as to make sure it's not getting dirty, damp, (moth-eaten!).

So I'd like to invite you to join me for this year's community Yarn Declutter. We start on 1st April (no joke!) and we'll declutter our yarn along with other parts of our knitting life throughout April for four weeks.

This week's video gives 5 more reasons why decluttering yarn is a good idea.

To subscribe to the Knit With Hannah YouTube channel click here

Join the Spring Yarn declutter here, running throughout April and starting on Friday 1st April 2022.

This step-by-step challenge will support you over four weeks, to sort, store and reuse your yarn stash.


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