How To Make 1 Stitch (m1)

by Hannah Gilly

May 24, 2018

If you're starting to knit, and you're knitting a beginner's project with a bit of shaping, you need one technique for increasing, and it's a simple m1. Yes all your increasing needs on a knit row is make one.

The more nuanced jargon begins to appear as you shape your garments, that might be giving a nipped in waist to a jumper or cardigan, it might be adding a slouch to a beanie or fabulous flattening to  the brim of a beret.

Whatever it is that you’re knitting when you see m1. you’re going to be making one stitch from nowhere. And the biggest problems will occur when you either start noticing problems, or start seeing lots of tutorials telling you to use a different technique in different places.

If you;’re starting to knit, and you’re knitting a beanie with a but of shaping, you need one technique, and it’s a simple m1. As an experience knitter I will always say ‘don’t overcomplicate what can be an easy back-to-basics foundation.’

That’s exactly what I encourage with this video, so take it on and rock those increases, you’ll love how much more you can knit with this one new technique.




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