Knitting Lessons – Growing With Every Knit

by Hannah Gilly

November 23, 2021

You're likely someone who knits project after project

Do you notice that each time you start a new one there's a little more confidence? Perhaps you're increasing the difficulty over the months and years?

So quite simply you will inevitably learn more about knitting with each item you finish. Each project will likely seem easier and you'll feel braver to try new yarns, styles of stitch and size of items.

But what about the unseen lessons?
 Is there more to learn from each knitting project?

I say there is.  With 40+ years of knitting behind me I can certainly look back and see from hindsight how much knitting has taught me.

Join me as I share all the ways I've found new lessons with knitting projects over the years and see if they match with any of yours.

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  1. Thanks Hannah, very helpful video. I enjoyed watching. Would love some shawl patterns and videos. And “how to master sock making!”( My life long challenge I feel. )
    Enjoy your videos whilst knitting and sipping a mug of tea.

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