7 tips To Build A Knitting Habit

by Hannah Gilly

October 6, 2021

This week’s topic is one of my favourites. The habit of knitting.

I’ve 7 tips for you, to help you build the knitting habit and keep it going once it’s in place.
The beauty of something like knitting is that as soon as it becomes a natural part of your day and week, it’s there to support you when times are stressful or just a bit off centre.

Before that familiarity builds it can be something that you have to remember, rather than an automatic gesture.

I’m here to help you today put a few things in place that will encourage the habit, the ‘naturalness’ of knitting so that it’s there for you when you can appreciate it most.

To subscribe to the Knit With Hannah YouTube channel click here

The Christmas video I mentioned, which will help you consider what when and how to knit at this times of year when you have deadlines looming is here: https://youtu.be/jj5Pv6nONOg

Ready to get into your knitting this winter? Join me for three knit-along calls this October and November, in the Anything Goes Knit-Along here:


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