Yarn Swatches – Calculating stitch counts

by Hannah Gilly

April 16, 2021

When it comes to testing out yarns, gauge swatches are perfect.

Maybe you’re just sorting through some yarn in the yarn declutter and want to see how it knits up in particular stitch patterns, or you’re in full ‘yarn substitution’ mode and want to get it right first time.

This is where gauge swatches are your best friend. Once you’ve knitted up a swatch you’ll know a few things:

  • Is this a yarn you’d like to knit with again (perhaps it’s amazingly soft, or excruciatingly itchy!)
  • Do the stitches have enough definition for the item you’d like to knit?
  • What’s the stitch count and down count for the needle size you’re using?
  • Does the colour knit up as you’d hoped?

Let’s calculate the stitches and rows you need to knit.

I’m here today to help you calculate the number of stitches you’ll need on your needles and how many rows you need to knit, so there’s enough room to measure the stitches once you’re finished knitting.

To subscribe to the Knit With Hannah YouTube channel click here

Join the yarn declutter, as mentioned in the video, to become part of the community stash sort. New tasks drop each Saturday.
Look more into the Intuitive Knitting Course, for full tutorials on yarn substitution: https://academy.knitwithhannah.co.uk/intuitive-knitting


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