You might read knitting patterns But what does it mean to read your knitting? There aren't words or runes on the page of your ...
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You might read knitting patterns But what does it mean to read your knitting? There aren't words or runes on the page of your ...
Reading knitting patterns needn't be hard Ever wondered how the best knitters get through their patterns? Reading and knitting through one after the other ...
What happens to your knitting when you come across jargon, like yarn over, that you don’t recognise? Big disaster? Do you give up? Do ...
Twisting cables are a great way to move your knitting to the next stage It can be quite a triumph to start cabling. You’re ...
Adding textures to your knitting can start with bobbles Often seen in cable knitting patterns, these bobbles add an extra height to textured knitting. ...
The knitted linen stitch is unique Which ever way you look at it, no matter which yarn you use, the woven effect is stunning. ...