New Year’s Knitting Resolutions 2020

by Hannah Gilly

December 27, 2019

2020 could be your year for knitting.

Do you want to learn new knitting skills?
How about knitting at specific times each day or each week?
Would you like to use different cast on methods or yarns each time you knit?

This will be your year! no doubt about it… I’ll help you decide what plan you’d like to put in place to set up your 2020 knitting for success.
To join the membership, as mentioned in the videos click here
And find the courses information here

The three videos will be released on 27th, 29th and 31st December 2019, so do return each day to find each new video.

Day One: Expectations

Day Two: Focus

Day Three: Progress (to be released 11am, 31st December 2019)

To subscribe to the Knit With Hannah YouTube channel click here

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2020!


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